How to Start Home Based Travel Agency with Host Agency


How to Start Home Based Travel Agency with Host Agency

Summary: Travel industry is advancing rapidly with new travel booking systems and technology in place that allows for starting home based travel business independently. However, its critically important that the latest travel technology must be utilized innovatively to get the optimal benefits. The post explains the tips that when followed correctly enable you to start travel agency business and earn higher revenue.

If you are someone who loves travel around the world and guiding others with the best in town travel deals, then you can become a travel agent. On top of that, if you get the opportunity to start home based travel business, you’re in luck. Initially, it might seem to be a challenge, but slowly, you will become acquainted with all involving steps. To get started, you will need to decide your niche in the travel industry. Selecting a host agency will ease the process to start travel agency business.

# Find Your Niche

When you have decided to begin your travel business, the next big decision is to select the travel niche based on your interest, or may be experience (in some cases). Analyze the market to decide what travel type will bring more customers. You can either select leisure travel, or business travel, or a combination of both. Many travel agents prefer to deliver one particular kind of service such as group tours, destination weddings, adventure travels, etc.

However, you can offer a complete set of travel services right from leisure travel and Disney travel to business trips and adventure holidays. Based on your selection of the host company, you can select to offer flight bookings, hotel accommodations, holiday packages for all types of travel, car rentals, and more.

# Create A Business Plan

Developing a successful business plan involves identifying multiple areas such as the business partners, activities, customers, value propositions, and so forth. While creating a business plan to start travel agency business, you will need to consider every single detail. Ask yourself few questions:

®     Who are the key partners?

®     Who will be the customers?

®     Who are your competitors?

®     What is your overall budget?

®     What is the value proposition?

®     What will be the revenue stream?

®     What channel you will be using to partner with agents?

®     What are the key resources (booking software, APIS, etc.)?

# Focus on Developing Your Brand

Starting a travel agency business is somewhat easier, but maintaining a reputation and developing your brand is quite challenging. If you achieve it, you will be successful in your future endeavors. It’s critical to create a strong and powerful brand image to survive today’s tough competition. Conduct a thorough market research to understand your customers and their pain points.

Align your services accordingly to offer best in industry services. It will build your own identity and increase conversion. Focus on delivering a unique customer experience so that your customers keep coming back. In the highly competitive travel arena, having a strong brand identity will make you stand out.

# Decide your Funding Strategy

Starting a travel business doesn’t demand setting up heavy equipment or renting out big space. You can start it sitting on your couch and take it to the next level by putting as much hard work and dedication as you can. However, having a funding plan in place never hurts as you will keep yourself ready for whatever comes in the way for successful start.

Even if you are starting a home-based travelagency, you will need funds for marketing purposes. Sometimes, your host agency provides reliable funding options to help you expand your business, therefore, it’s significantly important to partner with a trusted and experienced host agency to start travel agency business.

Here’s What You Should Do to Give Customers What They Want

No matter what kind of travel business you are willing to start- big or small, you need to be innovative in your approach. If the majority of sales in your area comes from accommodation packages, focus more on marketing your services around it. You will be able to reach the potential buyers efficiently and get more quality leads.

You must register with a reputed host agency who can provide access to latest travel technology. With advanced online booking platform, and APIs, you will be able to sell premium travel services to your customers. While selecting your host company, ask as many questions as you want to clarify any doubts in the beginning itself. 
